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Working together to save our lakes

Come join us for our next cleanup

Saturday, November 2, 2024. 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Lake Rowena Park
( 1200 Lakeshore Dr., Orlando )

Lake Formosa Park
( 1801 Alden Rd., Orlando )

Who We Are

We are a group of neighbors concerned about the water quality of the Loch Haven Chain of Lakes. To improve the overall health of the lakes, we have created a non-profit organization and gotten to work.

Why It's Important

A patchwork of agencies and jurisdictions oversee regulations applying to stormwater management, water quality, and lake health.  Community involvement ensures we are doing all we can to keep our lakes healthy. 

You Can Help

Next Lake Cleanups:

November 2 2024, 9AM - 12PM

Meet at 1200 Lake Shore Dr. 


Please join us by signing up and getting involved with FLHCL.  Bring your time, treasure, and talents.  We still have lots to do and welcome all who share our commitment to the Loch Haven Lakes.

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The Loch Haven Chain of Lakes is located in Orange County, Florida and drains to Howell Branch Creek, Lake Jessup, St. Johns River, and the Atlantic Ocean.

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